DOING NOTHING call for participants
Doing Nothing Sessions 18th - 22nd September
a research by Christiane Huber (assistance: Heike Langsdorf)
Inscriptions/ inscriptions/ inschrijvingen and contact:
or/ ou/ of at/ chez/ bij Zsenne: rue Anneessensstraat 2, 1000 Bxl:
literature/ leeslijst (selection)
Why Work: Arguments for the Leisure Society, Vernon Richards, Bertrand Russell, William Morris von Freedom Pr (1932)
Faulheit: Eine schwierige Disziplin.Essays, Anne Hamilton, Manfred Koch (2012,no english version yet)
Secret World of Doing Nothing, Billy Ehn/Orvar Löfgren (2010)
The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich ,Timothy Ferriss (2007)
Oblomov, Ivan Gontcharov (novel) (1859)
Nichtstun- und was sich daraus machen lässt, brand eins 08/12, journal for economy
High-Speed Society: Social Acceleration, Power, and Modernity von William E. Scheuerman und Hartmut Rosa von Penn State University Press (2008)
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Dirk Kaesler and Max Weber (1930))
Le droit à la paresse. Réfutation du droit au travail, Paul Lafargue (1848)
How to be idle,Tom Hodgkinson (2004)
The Idler, Tom Hodkinson (1993)
Die siebte Todsünde: Trägheit – das kosmische Laster.: Frankfurter Rundschau, 29. Januar 2010, Salman Rushdie
One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society, Herbert Marcuse (1964)
Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, Sigmund Freud (1930)