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2012 / Christiane Huber / DOING NOTHING / Info

Doing - Nothing, Not - Doing and Leisure

It is an exercise for everybody exploring our relationship to work, doing, time and our personal happiness.
In a week-long research the german artist and psychologist will document, discuss and share her 4month - long self- study, in order to find principles for Doing - Nothing, Not - Doing and Leisure while working and living a social life. 
Participating and Drinks, Thursday 20th of september (time will be announced) BAGS: performance by Heike Langsdorf (time will be announced)

Christiane Huber is working on a collection of films, portraying people who are Doing Nothing.
The portraits attempt to explore notions of Leisure, Not-Doing and the meaning of Time related to Work. During the week voluntary models are free to spend one or several 1-hour-sessions and use the space for whatever Doing Nothing means to them. Portraits will only go public after mutual agreement !!!


Christiane Huber (Altötting/ Germany, 1973) studied acting and psychology and works as a performer and director in Munich and Brussels. After several artistical projects with homeless people in various german cities her work focuses on social interaction and participation in urban and rural environment. Her current research project Doing - Nothing, Not - Doing and Leisure is the result of an examination of the structure of democratic learning and a severe accident that left her left hand paralyzed for six month.


 doing nothing garden by Song Dong/ documenta 13 foto r_h


Ne Rien Faire  / Portraits - enregistrements vidéo

mardi 18 au vendredi 21/9, entre 10h et 20h, samedi 22/9 du 10h au 15h Christiane Huber travaille sur une collection de films qui constitueront des portraits de gens qui s’occupent avec Ne Rien Faire. Les portraits essayent d'explorer les notions de Loisir, Ne Rien Faire et la signification du temps par rapport au travail. Pendant une semaine, les modèles bénévoles sont les bienvenus pour passer une ou plusieurs sessions d'une heure et pour utiliser l'espace pour Ne Rien Faire comme eux le conçoivent. Les portraits seront publics seulement après accord mutuel !!!


Niets Doen / Portretten - video opnames ma 18 tot vrij 21/9 tussen 10h en 20h, zat 22/9 tussen 10h en 15h Christiane Huber werkt aan een collectie van films die mensen tonen die Niets Doen. Deze portretten proberen noties van Vrije Tijd, Niets Doen en de betekenis van Tijd in relatie tot Werk te onderzoeken. Tijdens de week kunnen vrijwillige modellen één of meerdere sessies van een uur boeken en de ruimte gebruiken voor wat voor hen Niets Doen betekent. De portretten worden slechts na een wederzijds akkoord publiek gemaakt !!!