The PushUps rehearse / date presention tbc
07 > 27.01.2013 Dianne Weller The passage ... / voice and presentation research
14 > 20.01.2013 Robin Amanda / Lost in Transcendence / a.pass presentation
21 > 27.01.2013 Dorothéé Baert and Emy Ruy / Making Movie
28.01 > 10.02.2013 Heike Langsdorf and Renée Copraij / sitting with the Body / research
11 > 24.02.2013 Michiel Reynaert / research
25.02 > 03.03.2013 a.pass / presentation
04 > 17.03 Caroline Daish / research / presentation
28 >31.03 Dolores Hulan / work in progress
01 > 07.04 Charlotte Bouckaert / installation
08.04 > 05.05 Dorothée Baert and Emy Ruy
06.05 > 19.05 Heike Langsdorf and Renée Copraij / sitting with the body / research
20.05 > 02.06 Christoph Ragg / research
03.06 > 30.06 Alexandra Crouwers / In situ development
01.07 > 28.07 Veridiana Zurita / research
29.07 > 01.09 Muziektheater Transparant
11.09 > 22.09 Heike Langsdorf and Renée Copraij / sitting with the body / research
23.09 > 29.09 Link Leisure
30.09 > 03.11 Rémi Tamburini / installation
04.11 > 08.10.2013 Rolf Schuurmans Lisa Jeannin / installation
09.12 > 05.01.2014 Elke Van Campenhout / research