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Juanpablo Avedaño
Eve Bonneau & Juanpablo Avedaño
Residentie 7/4/ > 13/4/2014
Agenda 2013 en 2014 VOORBIJ
30/06 > 02/07 Laurent Trézegnies study for in situ work
23/06 > 29/06 Robin Amanda Creswel performance research
20/06 > 22/06 Tanguy Pujol & Lisa Lapierre (book) presentation
06/06 > 19/06 Charlotte Bouckaert & Steve Salembier work in progress
02/06 > 15/06 Luanda Casella research and try-out
26/05 > 01/06 Fanette Muxart Fuck you las Vegas voice research installation
05/05 > 25/05 Arnaud Caquelard Residency graphics to 3 dimensions
14/04 > 0605 Julia Clever a.pass participants presentations
07/04 > 13/04 Eve Bonneau & Juanpablo Avendaño Avila performance
10/03 > 06/04 Yvan Megal sustainable design
03/03 > 09/03 Tanguy Pujol a setting in the ZSenne space with photographs BY FORESEEN
17/02 > 02/03 Marcos Simoës & Sarah Manente performance research THIS PLACE
10/02 > 16/02 Heike Langsdorf Sitting with the body finale of the parcours
27/01 > 09/02 Alessandra Coppola research UN OBJET POUR VOUS
20/01 > 26/01 Valérie Houdart showing photographs
06/01 > 19/01 Ariane Loze film montage CUT IN MOVEMENT
09/12 > 05/01/2014 Elke Van Campenhout / BATTERY research, performance-installation
06/12 > 08/12 Heike Langsdorf / sitting with the body / research
01/12 > 05/12 Peter de Potter showcase photocollages
25/11 > 30/11 Heike Langsdorf / sitting with the body / research
18/11 > 24/11 Davis Freeman / research
11/11 > 17/11 Crispin Mvano & Massumbuko old and new photographs from KIvu - Congo
04/11 > 10/11 Heike Langsdorf and Renée Copraij / sitting with the body / research
23/09 > 03/11 Rémi Tamburini / Cosmic Night club / installation performance
16/09 > 22/09 Heike Langsdorf and Renée Copraij / sitting with the body / research
Za/sam/sat 14.09 Wijkcontract/Contrat de Quartier presentation of the urban furniture project for the square in front of ZSenne CANCELLED
02.09 > 13.09 Charlotte Bouckaert research presentation
26.08 > 01.09 Elke Van Campenhout Bureau d'Espoir voorbereiding / preparations BATTERY
12.08 > 25.08Helena Dietrich installation / performance LILLIFICATION
05.08 > 11.08 Ada Rajszys in situ research METAMORPHOSES
04.08 Akio Irie Carrot soup and Cocaine reading with a dinner
29.07 > 04.08 Peter Lenaerts research CANCELLED
22.07 > 28.07 Elke Van Campenhout Bureau d'Espoir voorbereiding / preparations BATTERY
15.07 > 21.07 Peter Lenaerts research
08.07 > 14.07 Mode and Design Centre Bruxelles / mobilier urbain CANCELLED
01.07 > 07.07 Peter Lenaerts, David Helbich research and cd presentation
23.06 Art As Life As Attitude by Stephane Deplan book presentation.
03.06 > 30.06 Dorothée Baert and Emmy Ruy Making the movie SMOG
21.05 > 02.06 Christoph Ragg / research
20.05 Chiara Colombi / entre nous / projection research
06.05 > 19.05 Heike Langsdorf and Renée Copraij / sitting with the body / research
3/5 > 5/5 Tomislav Brajnovic & Rémi Tamburini Frans Masereel centrum presentation
27/4 > 2/5 Domenico Giustino and Maria Paredo filming After the Fact
15/4 > 26/4 Nathan French costumes
01.04 > 14/4 Cleaning the space
28.03 > 31.03 Dolores Hulan & Nathan French / research and presentation / pics
18 > 27.03 Charlotte Bouckaert / installation
04 > 17.03 Caroline Daish, Marilyne Grimmer and Carlotta Scioldo / research / presentation
25.02 > 03.03 Veronika Maeyerböck / performance CANCELLED
11.02 > 24.02 Michiel Reynaert / research
28.01 > 10.02 Heike Langsdorf and Renée Copraij / presentati(on)e
21.01 > 27.01 Dorothée Baert and Emmy Ruy / info session
14.01 > 20.01 Robin Amanda / Lost in Transcendence / performance
07 .01 > 27.01 Dianne Weller / The passage ... / performance
17.12 > 06.01.2013 Fred Rolland / Gelukkig Joyeux Joyeuy Gelukkig / expo
2012 / 2011 / 2010