Residentie extra muros / online
19/12/2020 - 21/12/2020 12:00-13:30 16:00-18:00
This event emerged when the decision of postponing the next live Beauty Kit Female Farm by Isabel Burr Raty was made due to covid 19.
Register for the brunch lecture(s) by email (please specify which one you’d like to follow). Places around the open fires are limited, register by email to get the information (please specify which one you’d like to follow): loes@nadine.be
English and programme below
[NL] Verzetten we ons in tijden van crisis wel of laten we de dingen gaan? Moet een kunstenaar zichzelf opnieuw blijven uitvinden? Werd je: de online streaming master? de bureaucratische secretaris? de radicale kunstenaar? Is dit wat we doen? Is dit zinvol?
Ben je als individu tevreden? Hoe comfortabel of oncomfortabel leef je?
En…, wat met ons kritisch discours wanneer we vastzitten aan een constante deconstructie zonder iets tastbaars aan te pakken? Wat is er eigenlijk echt aan de hand op dit moment, of is dit al een tijdje bezig?
“To do or not to do” is een driedaags evenement waarbij Resistance and Care onder de loep worden genomen vanuit verschillende geografische locaties, cultuurlandschappen en artistieke discours.
Tijdens online brunch lezingen en open vuren willen we ons perspectief op de huidige situatie vernieuwen en verbreden, onze verbeelding aan het werk zetten en kracht opdoen buiten de vier muren waar we ons tussen bevinden.
Op 19, 20, 21 december 2020 wordt u uitgenodigd om (online) deel te nemen aan presentaties van drie genodigden. In de namiddag resoneren deze gesprekken doorheen open vuren en laten we de vlammen spreken aan het begin van de winterzonnewende. (Engels gesproken)
[EN] In times of crisis, do we or do we not resist and care? Does an artist need to reinvent her/them/him-self? Have you become: the online streaming master? the bureaucratic secretary? the radical artist? Is this what we do? Is this making sense? Are you satisfied as an individual? How comfortable or uncomfortable are you?
And…, What is the state of critical discourse when we are stuck with constant deconstruction and without dealing with anything tangible? What is really calling right now, or since quite a while already?
“To do or not to do?” is a three day event where Resistance and Care are discussed and explored from various geographical locations, cultural landscapes and artistic discourses.
Through online brunch lectures and open fires we want to refresh and broaden our perspectives on the current situation we are experiencing, renew our imaginary and gain strength beyond our current four walls location.
On 19, 20, 21 December 2020 you are invited at brunch time to participate in the lecture of the three invitees. In the afternoon curated open fires resonate with the ideas introduced at the bruch lectures to dig dipper, and let the flames speak towards winter solstice.
DAY 1 – Saturday 19 December 2020 – Resistance & the Collective
Brunch lecture with lawyer Leo Crippa / 12:00-13:30 CET including 30 min Q&A
Leonardo A. Crippa is a descendant of the Kolla people located in the Northwest of Argentina, working as Senior Attorney at the Indian Law Resource Center in the US. For almost 20 years he has practiced law in the field of human and environmental rights. Working in direct contact with indigenous communities that struggle for the right to live, his work has supported decolonial processes of native nations, representing them in the United Nations and the Inter-American Human Rights System. During his talk, Leo will address the meaning of what is The Collective from both, an international law policy making perspective and from his field experience. He will elaborate on how he transforms the abstract language of law into a concrete outcome for human & Earthly existence, and how his practice is transgressing the limits and needs of entangled realities. https://indianlaw.org/content/about-center
Open Fire (16:00-18:00 CET) curated by Isabel Burr Raty
DAY 2 – Sunday 20 December 2020 – Resistance & Subversion
Brunch lecture with artist activist Sumugan Sivanesan / 12:00-13:30 CET including 30 min Q&A
Sumugan Sivanesan is an anti-disciplinary artist, writer and researcher, currently working on a year long urban-artistic research project in Helsinki, Fugitive Radio, that is concerned with migrant narratives and music, (Northern) anticolonialism and experimental radio as a social practice. Drawing from examples in his collaborative practice and research, that span migrant histories and minority politics, activist media, artist infrastructures and more-than-human rights, he will address the thematic of ‘Resistance and Subversion’, with a performative touch. Across the axes of ‘Activism—Experimentation’ and ‘Privilege—Persistence’ he will focus on topics such as repurposing of arts infrastructures, art-power / power-knowledge, role-play, friendship networks and complicity. www.sivanesan.net, fugitive-radio.net
Open Fire (16:00-18:00 CET) curated by Heike Lansgdorf & Simone Basani
DAY 3 – Monday 21 December 2020 – Resistance & Persistence
Brunch lecture with artist and monk Elke Van Campenhout / The Monastery / 12:00-13:30 CET including 30 min Q&A
Elle (Elke Van Campenhout) is a monk and artistic researcher. She currently works on topics like radical nakedness, debunking myths of artistry, and the vitality of practice. In her work she focuses on long-durational work, and the insistence on being present with what is. She considers these practices counter-political, in the sense that they re-investigate our relation to reality from another point of view on values and engagement. In this presentation she will talk about persistence as a tool to produce intensity and attention. A practice of repetition instead of accumulation to counter consumption logics, and to enter into the local vibration of attendants and collaborators. She will take the work at The Monastery as a case study, but also widen her view by taking in exemplary practices from different zones of life.
Open Fire (16:00-18:00 CET) curated by Elke Van Campenhout
supported by Beauty Kit Patrona, radical_house (Heike Langsdorf & Simone Basani), The Monastery (Elke Van Campenhout), nadine, ZSenne art lab. culturele activiteitenpremie Vlaamse Gemeenschap.