
Residentie 6/11 > 26/11/2017
OPENING Sat/Zat/Sam 25/11 doors 18:00 to 22:00
Sun/zon/dim by appointment 0466 41 84 05
Sfeer, Dodge-Challenger R / T, plaats, motor, momenten, volume, galerij, Playmobil, Native Amerikanen, tentoonstelling, verdwijnpunt, kastelen, cowboy, wandelen, Lego, Made in China, mapping, GI-Joe, turks tapijt, constructie, roadmovie, dolly, rail, zoeklicht, pad, scène, Majorette-autootje, stof, demontage, slow motion, kalibratie, Grizzly Man, versnelling, 3D, Blade-Runner, volgshot, plastic beeldjes.
Voor de residentie in ZSenne art lab: ik zal mijn creaties achteraf niet weggooien ...
Ambience, Dodge-Challenger R / T, place, engine, moments, volume, gallery, Playmobil, Native Americans, exhibition, vanishning point, castles, cowboy, walking, Lego, Made in China, mapping, GI-joe, Turkish Rug , construction, road movie, dolly, rail, searchlight, path, scene, Majorette, dust, disassembly, slow motion, calibration, Grizzly Man, acceleration, 3D, Blade-Runner, tracking shot, plastic figurines.
For the residence at the Zsenne art lab: I will not throw my sculptures after ...
Ambiance, Dodge-Challenger R/T, lieu, moteur, moments, volume, galerie, Playmobil, amérindiens, exposition, point de fuite, châteaux, cow-boy, marche, Lego, Made in China, mapping, GI-joe, tapis turc, construction, road-movie, dolly, rail, projecteur, chemin, scène, Majorette, poussière, démontage, ralenti, étalonnage, Grizzly Man, accélération, 3D, Blade-Runner, travelling, figurines en plastique.
Pour la résidence à la galerie ZSenne art lab : Je ne jetterai pas mes sculptures après…