Thiago Antunes & Vinicius Torres Machado are the new residents at ZSenne ArtLab 30/01 < 04/02
Vinicius Torres Machado and Thiago Antunes are fascinated by the power of words and its bodily nature. Having worked together in a few theatrical productions in Brazil 9 years ago, the two get together at Zsenne ArtLab to look at artistic practices, cosmogonies, and philosophies where the verbal language is the key for reshaping reality. What are the words that can open doors, build walls, reshape borders? Most importantly, how to spell those words? Getting inspiration from pre-Socratic philosopher Gorgia, for whom words have the same power as drugs, and Daniel Everet's book Don't sleep there are snakes, who narrates his process of losing faith in Christianity after learning the language of Amazonian tribe Pirahã, they will forge a common ground for a new creation.
SUNDAY 05/02 AT 19:30
ADDER KLANK - Eimermacher/Piano/Drab/Stokart/Lauro