
Residentie 24/8/2015 > 13/9/2015 installaties en performances
1. A performed installation: an installation is being performed since 24 August. Pass by to pop in if we’re around. Consider yourself invited, especially at lunchtime, from 31 August to 4 September.
2. A conference/debate on Queer: on Friday 4 September at 18h30 we will have a reading of “Queer Methods and Methodologies: An Introduction”. Entrance is free and the presentation will be made mostly in English. A discussion (also in other languages) will follow. Attendants are invited to read the text beforehand (
Queer_Methods_and_Methodologies_Intro.pdf) so together we can discuss if there is such a thing as a queer methodology, how it impacts on art and artistic research, and how it also influences social research. We also expect to demonstrate how queer research has an unexpectedly far-reaching impact on science and how queer orthodoxies are currently being challenged by it.
3. Video projections/live performances: On Wednesday 9 September from 18h30 onwards Paulo will present for the first time a performed experiment recorded following a workshop by Steven Cohen at Brigittines. Also the first videos from Paulo documenting the experiments in dance and performance around (skin) CARE during the residency will be projected. Live performances shall follow.
4. A conference/debate on the social mapping of the neighbourhood: On Thursday 10 September at 18h30 we will present (mostly in French) our social mapping of the Quartier Jardin aux Fleurs, somewhere between academic presentation and performance. Friends of ZSenne, neighbours and especially the local government and non-profit institutions who contributed to the social survey are warmly welcome to listen and participate actively in the discussion. Drinks shall follow.
5. A private performance: on Friday 11 September from 21h ZSenne will host a private performance on non-mixity with (and for) 6 male volunteers (call still open).
6. Closing party: Before we tidy up, on Saturday 12 September from 16h we’ll have more video projecting, namely short video sequences by Florence – the very beginning of an in-progress video montage/collage of sequences filmed by her in the framework of this residency at ZSenne) and we shall do some dance binging for the last time.
Florence Libotte comes from a painting background and teaches at a multidisciplinary atelier. Since a few years ago her personal practice is oriented towards the principle of collage and the bringing together of territories collage enables.
Paulo Alves is a doctoral candidate in Arts and Sciences of Art. His research on the possibility of an ethics-empowered aesthetics is currently leading him to explore in post-gender and the post-human through installation and performance.
“I’m taking this residency literally. I mean, I’ve been dreaming of doing a residency (residing) in this place ever since I first saw its floor, which flaunts the same wicked wit of the unfolding harlequins by Enrico David. So I am believing I am really living here for three weeks. We’ve checked out the neighbourhood. We’ve spoken to the neighbours and they’ve invited us in for some tea. We’re reciprocating this generous gesture. We identified their needs and their desires, as they meet ours. We’re doing the social mapping and weaving all the normative geography, including in the fringes of Quartier du Jardin aux Fleurs. We’ve even “sublet” the place to Florence Libotte, who comes from a neighbouring neighbourhood. Emiel shelters me, and in turn I shelter Florence, so the woman can have a room of her own. This floor was too good not to share.
We’ve revamped the interiors, brought our stuff in. As we make the space our own, we make ourselves comfortable. We kick off our shoes, we walk around in shorts. We dance and play. We invite more friends for a drink. With them we become intimate. For three weeks.” – Paulo
“Lorsque Paulo m’a parlé de son projet et m’a invitée à résider avec lui à Zsenne, cela a tout de suite résonné en moi.
Qu’est-ce que résider ? Qu’est-ce qu’habiter et investir un lieu ? Quels sont les territoires véritablement abordés, du réel ou de l’imaginaire, lorsque je convoque le verbe habiter ?
‘Nous couvrons ainsi l’univers de nos dessins vécus. Ces dessins n’ont pas à être exacts. Il faut seulement qu’ils soient tonalisés sur le mode de notre espace intérieur.’ (Gaston Bachelard, « La poétique de l’espace ») Qu’habiter puisse se faire est une nécessité. Se blottir, dialoguer, ‘tonaliser’, honorer. Que dans un espace matériel et temporel puisse se vivre une rêverie, au sens poétique du terme, voilà ce à quoi invitation m’était faite… ” – Florence