
"Tijdens mijn residentie in ZSenne Artlab, wil ik werken rond deze site zelf en een site-specific werk maken, dat met heel beperkte middelen, een nieuwe aanpak van de ruimte en een nieuwe kijk op de locatie, de dingen een beetje storen en een verband weven tussen binnen en buiten."
"Dans le cadre de ma résidence chez ZSenne Artlab je souhaite travailler sur le site lui même, développer une création Site-specific, qui dans une économie de moyen, vient proposer une nouvelle approche du lieu et un nouveau regard sur le site, déranger un peu les choses, tisser un lien entre l'espace intérieur et extérieur."
Laurent Trézegnies blog and cv
My work approach
My pictural practice has driven me to exploit industrial, prebuilt materials such as coloured sticky tape or paper strip. I intervene on their expressive potential. Or in other words, I bring them a plastic dimension by diverting their primary function.
My interventions imply a deep taking into consideration of the exploited locations. I focus on the relation between the adhesive tape and the site of its integration.
Through my transient installations and interventions, I introduce new perspectives and vanishing points. In that sense, my work aims to keep close to the viewers since I'm intervening on the way they apprehend the space. For the same reason, I also tend to favour lively areas, where many people come and go.
I wish to underline the importance of mixing as many ingredients as possible in the process of a practice-based artistic research. This encounter between different practices brings me to a kind of creative balance. These actions are meant as a reflexion on art, its place into the space and its interaction with the public.