Irina Lavrinovič and Asher Lev are the new residents at ZSenne ArtLab 25/04 > 08/05/2022
During their two week residency at ZSenne Art Lab, Irina Lavrinovic and Asher Lev, together with Robert Steijn, are preparing an experimental symposium for and about a practical exploration of Dionysos and the Greek Mysteries.
They have departed on a journey of self reflection, following how the performing arts in Europe evolved in resonance with ancient Dionysian rites that were performed in nature and then moved into the city, giving birth to theater and tragedy.This historical trajectory emerges in nowadays context of climate change, pandemics, wars and signs of the reenchantment of art. Inspired to awaken the lost or forgotten, the overlooked and\or suppressed potentials of mythical ancestors, they come to ask:
How does mythology transform language?
The symposium takes place at ZSenne Art Lab on Saturday, May 7 from 15:00 to 18:00. Places for participation are limited so please send a confirmation email to: asherlev100@gmail.com
Link to FB event: https://fb.me/e/2gzC4UA0J