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First try out with Robert and other presentation


Residency 7/3 > 20/3/2016

Presentation with Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe  Thu/don/jeu 10 March 21:00h

Presentation with  Rosie Sommers  Ezra Fieremans za/sam/sat  19 March 20:30h

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Ik verdeel deze residentie in twee delen:

Maart 7-11 met Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe.
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe (1975) is een kunstenaar en componist. Hij
werkt met klank en geluid in spontane muziek, vaak onder de naam
Op het moment maakt hij composities voor modulaire synthesizers en
werkt hij met tonale klanken. Lowe's werk op papier neigt naar
menselijke relaties met de magische wereld en de herhaling van
motieven. Hij werkt ook aan analoge video syntheses. Robert heeft
samengewerkt met Ben Russell, Ben Rivers, Sabrina Ratté, Rose Lazar,
Nicolas Becker, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Tarek Atoui, Philippe Parreno, Evan
Calder Williams, Ariel Kalma, Lucky Dragons, Alexandra Wolkowicz, Biba
Bell, ADULT., Doug Aitken, and Rose Kallal. 
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe woont en werkt in Brooklyn, New York .

Dit is onze eerste samenwerkingsperiode waarin we individueel
materiaal zullen produceren. We werken met geluid, beweging en video.
We zullen de galerij openen op donderdagavond om 21u - om het
resultaat van de ontmoeting weer te geven.

Het tweede deel van de residentie 14-20 maart met Rosie Sommers en Ezra Fieremans. 

In het verleden hebben we samengewerkt aan Skypesamba, videoproject rond publiek, virtueel en choreografie.

I will divide this residency into two parts:
From March 7th to the 11th I'll be working with artist Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe.

Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe (b. 1975) is an artist and composer that works
with voice in the realm of spontaneous music often under the moniker
of Lichens. Most recently, creating
patch pieces with modular synthesizer and tonal vocal work has been a
focus of live performance and recordings.
Lowe’s works on paper tend towards human relations to the
natural/magical world and the repetition of motifs. Recent video work
has been a concentration in analogue video
synthesis. Through collaboration Robert has worked with Ben Russell,
Ben Rivers, Sabrina Ratté, Rose Lazar, Nicolas Becker, Jóhann
Jóhannsson, Tarek Atoui, Philippe Parreno, Evan Calder Williams, Ariel
Kalma, Lucky Dragons, Alexandra Wolkowicz, Biba Bell, ADULT., Doug
Aitken, and Rose Kallal, as well as many others.
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

This is our first collaborative working period in which we experiment
with putting together individual material and see where it can
potentially lead to. We work with sound, movement and video.
We will open the gallery on Thursday night, March 10th at 9:00pm.
Rather than a performance it will be a sharing of our work in progress
in a format of an open salon.
Hopefully the collaboration will continue to evolve within different
contexts this coming year in Europe and New York.

For the second part of the residency (Monday the 14th-20th) I'll be
working withI'll be working with Rosie Sommers and Ezra Fieremans,
both based in  Brussels and work primarily within the field of dance
and performance. We have been recently premiering 'Skype Samba', a
performance that took place in Eskimo Fabriek in Gent at the end of
February 2016.
We would like to elaborate our collaboration and continue the work,
but not necessarily re-produce what we have already made. Rather, we
want to make more openings in this new context in the gallery and see
what the new situation in the gallery can bring in terms of artistic