
residentie 20/6 > 3/7/2016
U bent van harte uitgenodigd op de publieke presentatie van het onderzoek
vrijdag 1 juli vanaf 19u.
Gratis zoals altijd.
Description of the project/research I will be developing at Zsenne Art Laboratory residency.
How could one write a scientific biography through an encounter with a plant?
Departing from emotions kept within us, the writing of what we may call a scientific biography can be unfolded.
In the piece A Choreography with a plant, I will use an interviewing methodology based in 3D-knowledge to put questions to a plant in order to unfold this writing:
-Physical questions: based on the study of the spatiality, physicality and musicality of the bodies.
-Mental questions: based on a mindful exploration of the object and its performance.
-Emotional questions: based on affective parameters departing from emotions kept within us.
The questionnaire will be translated through authentic movement, body-mind centering and butoh practices.